Our PMI-ACP Course Materials
Taking a quality PMI-ACP certification training course is more than just sitting in a room with an instructor. Since the PMI-ACP exam can be extremely challenging, it is vital that you have sufficient study resources at your disposal. We offer the most comprehensive and highest quality training materials available.
Interactive Presentation – Our classroom presentation covers the most critical concepts and shows how they intertwine. We give you the big picture, but also the core details and terminology you must master. We present the material in what we believe to be a more logical and understandable sequence than the PMBOK® Guide offers. Our material is well-organized and mapped to other data sources, making it an excellent tie-together reference. We combine all of this with clean graphics and grammar to deliver an outstanding course binder.
PMI-ACP Exam Prep Strategy Guide
Perhaps the most impactful study aid, our Strategy Guide has proven incredibly useful because it outlines several critical areas: formulating a good study plan, what to expect on exam day, understanding the 25 most common confusions students encounter and identifying the 10 most common types of testing tricks on the PMI-ACP exam. Many students read it at least twice; once after class and again when they think they are fully prepared to sit for the exam.
PMI-ACP Exam Prep Quick Study Guide
Whether riding on the subway or exercising on the treadmill, our Quick Study Guide makes a handy accessory. This 4-page guide is packed with terminology and charts. It is organized and color-coded to help you categorize the various concepts, see key distinctions and understand the relationships in the materials more visually. The Quick Study Guide leads the way in our impressive set of exam prep materials.
Process Group & Key Formulas – For the exam, you must know each of the processes and understand several formulas to pass the exam, along with the scheduling and critical path method. We boil these down into a single study aid. The first page breaks down the 49 processes by knowledge area, process group, and PMBOK® Guide chapter, giving you a visual roadmap to follow, both in class and afterwards. On the second page, we provide both the key calculations and a description of their components. If you fully grasp this, earned value and critical path questions should be no problem on the exam.
Primary ITTO – You will have to gain a working understanding of all tools and techniques. We present all inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs in a well-organized, color and number-coded chart. While we don’t want you spending all your time trying to memorize this comprehensive set of tables, it will be a critical look-up tool when understanding the flow and progression of the processes and their components.
In-Class Practice Questions – To provide a more interactive experience, and to break up the lectures with more class engagement, we do in-class practice questions at regular intervals. These questions can be difficult, so don’t get frustrated if you miss some of them. Sometimes they are meant to be missed to highlight the many common exam writing tricks, so you are better prepared on exam day. They also serve to allow your instructor to identify and explain the subtle distinctions and finer points on which you will be tested.
In-Class Mock Exam – The mock exam is given on the last day of class, with all students receiving the same questions. Our mock exam is an in-depth diagnostic tool intended to help you identify areas of weakness. It will allow students to get an excellent baseline of where they stand before the course ends and can help determine when the exam should be scheduled. The exam file is made available the last day of class through your online portal or provided on a USB drive. The mock exam auto-grades your answers while providing score breakdowns by process group. Students can then discuss any problem areas in the afternoon review session.
Project Management Sample Forms – Some students are visual learners, so we have included a packet of template forms for the most important project management plans and documents. It is one thing to read about a Risk Register, but to really understand the importance of certain key documents you should review them in detail and perhaps fill in a blank one. This gives you a better feel for their utility and functionality.
PMI-ACP Exam Prep Book of Exercises – Because everyone learns differently, we developed a comprehensive downloadable exercise book for you to practice and test yourself. For terminology study, we offer matching exercises, fill in the blank narratives, and crossword puzzles. For earned value and critical path mastery, we show all the various angles from which you are likely to be tested on the exam and walk you step by step through the answers. These exercises range from fairly easy to quite challenging, helping you master the basics while also ensuring you never get surprised on the exam.
PMI-ACP Exam Prep Practice Questions – Any good PMI-ACP certification training course offers practice questions, but we take it to the next level. Our online practice questions look and feel like the real thing and you can take as many randomly drawn exams as you wish. Our system grades each exam and breaks down performance by process groups. Each exam is graded and stored along with its breakdown, so you can track your progress over time. Each exam will contain the same percentage distribution of questions across the 5 process groups like the real exam, making for a more realistic testing experience.
Certificate of Completion – When you complete our PMI-ACP exam prep course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion, acknowledging you have acquired 35 hours of professional development training. Should you get audited when applying for the exam, you will need to provide PMI a copy of this certificate.